Office Hours week of March 24 - 27

These are the only hours the office is open this week due to a staffing issue
Monday 2:30 - 4:30
Tuesday 12:00 - 4:00
Wednesday 2:30 - 4:30
Thursday 12:00 - 4:00
Friday Closed

Refund and Cancellation Policy


Language Center International does not require pre-payment of tuition and technology and student services fees for admission nor will it accept pre-payment of tuition, student services and technology fees until a complete application for admission has been received and the applicant has been accepted for admission.  Once an applicant has been accepted, the refund and cancellation policies stated herein shall be in effect for any monies which have been received by Language Center International for the period(s) of financial obligation pertaining to each student’s enrollment period(s). 

All refunds for cancellation, no show, withdrawal and termination are subject to compliance with these general procedures:

  1. It is forbidden for the institution to :
    1. require written notification of withdrawal or cancellation of enrollment unless required by federal or state law;
    2. require advance notification of cancellation or withdrawal;
    3. require student completion of a written request for refund;
    4. require or impose a cancellation or withdrawal fee.
  2. Use of the institution’s withdrawal form is requested whenever possible but is not required.
  3. Students who choose to notify the institution of cancellation or withdrawal from an enrolled period of study may use any written or verbal form of communication.                                   
  4. Whenever a student does not provide a notice of withdrawal (written or verbal), the institution shall administratively withdraw the student after a maximum of 30 consecutive calendar days of absence (excluding any institutionally scheduled breaks), complete a refund calculation form for the student and process any refunds owed.
  5. All refundable and non-refundable charges shall be clearly itemized in admissions information and on enrollment forms.
  6. Completed and documented refund calculations must be made for each student who cancels, withdraws, is a no show or is terminated.
  7. Refunds shall be issued in the form of an institutional check or a credit card account credit in accordance with refund due dates described herein.
  8. Refunds shall be made to the student or sponsoring organization responsible for original payment of tuition together with any applicable refundable fees in question.
  9. Refund checks or proof of credit card account credit are mailed to the address of record. Upon request, a student may collect his/her refund in person at the main office of Language Center International.
  10. Refunds which are undeliverable to the appropriate party for whatever reason shall be deposited in that party’s name with the unclaimed property division of the State of Michigan.
  11. The following charges are non-refundable: application fees; student services fees (See XI); technology fees (See XI); book payments; late payment fees; express mailing requested by the student; bank fees for returned checks or wire transfer of funds.
  12. Student services and technology fees shall be refunded to those students who do not attend any classes during a period of enrollment.



  1. If a prospective student never attends class (no-show) or cancels his/her enrollment before the class start date, all refunds due shall be made within forty-five (45) calendar days of the first scheduled day of class or the date of cancellation, whichever is earlier.
  2. For an enrolled student who has appeared for classes, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance (LDA) and shall be paid within forty-five days from the documented date of determination. The date of determination is:
    1. the date the student gives notice of withdrawal to Language Center International;
    2. the date Language Center International administratively withdraws the student; or
    3. the date Language Center International terminates the student for failure to adhere to the institution’s attendance policy, conduct policy and/or student progress policy.
  3. If an enrolled student provides advanced notice of withdrawal and the end of the forty-five day refund payment period occurs before the last date of attendance, the refund shall be paid within forty-five days of the last date of attendance.
  4. If Language Center International cancels a program of study, the refund due shall be issued within thirty (30) days of the date of cancellation.
  5. If an applicant is found to be ineligible or is rejected for admission or enrollment by Language Center International, the refund due shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of determination of ineligibility or rejection.
  6. For enrolled students who paid charges prior to receipt of a scholarship, any refund due shall be paid within thirty (30) days of receipt of payment for said charges by the sponsoring scholarship organization, agency or individual(s) for the periods(s) of financial obligation in question.


  1. Rejection of Applicant: If an applicant is rejected for admission or enrollment by Language Center International, or if a prospective student has his/her visa application rejected, a full refund for all monies paid, excluding a maximum of $500 of non-refundable charges, shall be made.
  2. Ineligible Applicant:  If an applicant is found to be ineligible for admission due to age (less than 15 years of age) or the inability to provide proof of legal status in the United States or evidence of adjudication of status in process, all monies submitted, including the non-refundable application fee, shall be refunded in full.
  3. Cancellation of Program of Study by Institution: If Language Center International cancels a program of study subsequent to a student’s enrollment, the institution will refund all monies paid by the student.
  4. Cancellation by Student Before the Start of Classes or Student No Show:  Except as stated in #V below, if a prospective student accepted by Language Center International cancels his/her enrollment before the start of scheduled classes or never attends classes (no show), Language Center International will refund all monies paid for the canceled period of study, less non-refundable charges, which shall not exceed $500.00.
  5. Cancellation by Student Before the Start of Classes or Student No Show:  If a prospective student who has been accepted by Language Center International enters the United States on an I-20 issued by Language Center International, and subsequently cancels enrollment before the start of scheduled classes or never attends class (no show), Language Center International may keep all tuition paid for the first four weeks of the first term/session and a maximum total of $500.00 for non-refundable charges.


  1. First Period of Financial Obligation: For students whose last date of attendance is at any point in the first four weeks of their first period of financial obligation:
    1.  Language Center International shall retain tuition for the first four weeks;
    2. Any refunds due shall be prorated for the remainder of the period of financial obligation in question.
    3. For students whose last date of attendance occurs after the midpoint of the period in question, no refund is given. 
    4. Any unearned pre-paid tuition and fees for subsequent periods of financial obligation which have yet to be held shall be refunded in full.
  2. Subsequent Periods of Financial Obligation: For students who have completed their first period of financial obligation, who continue to enroll for additional periods of financial obligation,  and whose last date of attendance occurs at any point before or at the mid-point of that subsequent period of financial obligation:
    1.  Language Center International shall retain a prorated amount of tuition for that period.
    2. Students whose last date of attendance is after the midpoint of that period shall not receive a tuition refund.
    3. Any unearned pre-paid tuition and fees for subsequent periods of financial obligation which have yet to be held shall be refunded in full.


Prorated refunds are calculated on a weekly basis. Language Center International shall consider a partial week the same as a full completed week of study, provided the student was present at least one day during the scheduled week.




Language Center shall refund all monies paid by an eligible student for charges which are covered by a scholarship. Refunds shall be issued within thirty (30) days of receipt of payment from the scholarship agency or organization for the student’s charges for the period of financial obligation in question.

Students who are enrolled at Language Center International and subsequently receive a scholarship after payment of charges for the period of financial obligation in question shall receive a refund in the following circumstances:

  1. The scholarship covers the period of financial obligation in question previously paid for by the student.
  2. The student is a current student at Language Center International.
  3. The scholarship letter is received while the student is still at Language Center International.
  4. Refunds shall only be issued for those charges which are covered by the scholarship.

Language Center International does not invoice scholarship agencies for paid charges for those individuals who are no longer its students. These include those students who have transferred to another institution, withdrawn, completed their studies, or been terminated/dismissed, and who submit a guarantee letter for prior periods of financial obligation at Language Center International. These students shall be issued a receipt letter and/or copy of their ledger statement for direct reimbursement by their scholarship agency.

Medical Authorizations:

Students who submit a medical authorization for a period of financial obligation shall receive a refund for:

  1. Partial medical authorization to drop below full-course load: Tuition is pro-rated based on adjustment of authorized course load and documented dates of medical authorization. The student continues to attend classes and is on a reduced course load for a portion of the period of financial obligation or all of the period of financial obligation. Enrollment is not canceled or withdrawn.
  2. Partial-term full-medical authorization: Tuition is pro-rated for enrollment dates covered by medical authorization. The student does not attend classes for a portion of the period of financial obligation. Enrollment is not canceled or withdrawn.
  3. Full-term medical authorization: Tuition, student services fees, and technology fees are refunded in full. The student is removed from enrollment lists if enrolled and does not attend any classes for the period of financial obligation. The student is not enrolled during full-term medical authorization.
  4. Full medical authorization after the period of financial obligation begins: Tuition is pro-rated based on the start date of medical authorization. Technology and student services fees are not refunded. The student is removed from enrollment lists from the start date of medical authorization and does not attend any classes from the remainder of the period of financial obligation.



Full PDF Version of Refund & Cancellation Policy

Attestation Page Only (page to print and sign)