Office Hours week of March 24 - 27

These are the only hours the office is open this week due to a staffing issue
Monday 2:30 - 4:30
Tuesday 12:00 - 4:00
Wednesday 2:30 - 4:30
Thursday 12:00 - 4:00
Friday Closed

ESL Classes

  • Applying for ESL Classes
  • Tuition & Fees
  • LCI is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students
  • No minimum English test score is required for admission
  • Beginning to advanced classes are offered
  • Literacy in native language is required
  • Classes may include:
    • Grammar
    • Writing
    • Reading/Vocabulary
    • Extensive Reading
    • Vocabulary
    • Listening/Speaking
    • Pronunciation (intermediate through advanced only)
    • All Skills (a content-based class in which students practice a variety of English language skills and intercultural skills)
    • iBT TOEFL Skills (high intermediate through advanced only)
    • IELTS Skills (intermediate through advanced only)
    • American Culture
    • Special Topics
  • Each class meets for a specified number of hours per week (two-five hours), depending on the subject/content (see the class schedule)
  • Courses are seven or six weeks long: seven weeks in September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April; six weeks in May/June and June/July. There are no classes in August.
  • Morning and afternoon classes are available.
  • Student placement is determined by a placement test given prior to the start of classes. Students who have taken an institutional TOEFL, IBT TOEFL, paper-based TOEFL, IELTS, or exit proficiency test from an English Language Program within three months of beginning courses at LCI may submit test results for placement purposes. LCI administers its placement test free of charge to those who have an approved Application for Admission.
  • Upon completion of the program, LCI issues, upon request, a certificate of attendance for its courses to students in good standing.

Overview of Courses

All Skills

LCI offers eight levels of All Skills instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, while introducing students to American customs and cultures.

All Skills/Special Topics

LCI occasionally offers All Skills/Special Topics instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while covering special topics of high interest to international students such as American cultural studies, history or literature.


LCI offers eight levels of Grammar/Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited understanding of grammar structures, spelling, and mechanics at the beginning level to a college freshman level application of complex grammar structures and American academic writing guidelines at the most advanced level.

iBT TOEFL and IELTS Skills

LCI offers four levels of iBT TOEFL and IELTS instruction ranging from Intermediate to High Advanced. These courses are designed to enhance and reinforce test-taking and language skills necessary to achieve one's best on these standardized assessments.


LCI offers eight levels of Listening/Speaking instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a limited (near zero) ability to comprehend or express themselves in English at the beginning level to a near native-speaker-like comprehension and control of spoken English at the most advanced level.


LCI offers five levels of Pronunciation instruction ranging from High Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to develop English language learners' understanding and pronunciation of Standard American English.


LCI offers eight levels of Reading/Vocabulary instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from a very limited ability to read, comprehend, and respond to written texts to an ability to comprehend, analyze, evaluate, and respond to reading materials for the native-speaker of English. Shorter classes in Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Building are offered to provide additional support for the development of these skills.


LCI offers eight levels of Writing instruction ranging from Low Beginning to High Advanced. These courses are designed to move English language learners from writing basic simple sentences at the beginning level to writing summaries, well-structured multi-paragraphed compositions, academic essays, research papers, and reviews at the most advanced level. Students also develop editing and revision skills.